1) Identity of the website's owner
RBA HOLDING DE COMUNICACIÓN, S.L.U. (hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY) is a Spanish company with registered office at Avda Diagonal 189, 08018 Barcelona and tax identification code B-65.370.876, registered in Barcelona Companies Registry in Volume 42029, sheet 118, page number B-399773, entry number 1.
You can contact us at the following link: http://www.rba.es/general/atencion-cliente_42
For matters related to your privacy: send an e-mail to protecciondatos@rba.es
2) The User's acceptance
These Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as the Legal Notice) govern the access to and use of the Web Page (hereinafter referred to as the “Web Page”) that THE COMPANY makes available to internet users. Access thereto implies unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice.
THE COMPANY may offer services through the web page that may be subject to specific terms and conditions, which the User must inform him/herself of in each particular case.
3) Access to the web page and passwords
Generally speaking, prior subscription or registration as a User is not required to access and use the web page, notwithstanding the fact that the use of certain services or content on it may require such subscription or registration.
The Users' data obtained through subscription or registration are protected by passwords selected thereby. The User undertakes to keep his/her password secret and protect it against unauthorised use by third parties. The User must notify THE COMPANY immediately of any use of his/her account to which it he/she has not consented or any security breach related to the web page's service of which he/she has become aware.
THE COMPANY adopts the necessary technical and organisational measures that are necessary to ensure the protection of personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, processing and/or unauthorised access thereto, taking account of the state of the art, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with that set forth in the Spanish Personal Data Protection legislation.
THE COMPANY accepts no liability in relation to Users for the disclosure of their personal data to third parties when it is not due to causes directly attributable to THE COMPANY, nor for the use that third parties unrelated to THE COMPANY make of them.
4) Correct use of the web page
The User undertakes to use the web page, the content and the services in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, accepted principles of morality and public policy. In the same way, the user undertakes not to use the web page, its contents or the services provided through it for purposes or with effects that are unlawful or contrary to the contents of this Legal Notice, which harm third parties' interests or rights, or which in any manner may damage, render useless, make inaccessible or be detrimental to the web page, its contents or its services or prevent normal enjoyment thereof by other Users.
Similarly, the User expressly undertakes not to destroy, alter, render unusable or in any other manner damage the data, programs or electronic documents on the Web Page.
The User undertakes not to hinder other Users’ access through mass consumption of the computer resources through which THE COMPANY provides the service, or to carry out actions that harm, suspend or create errors in said systems or services.
The User undertakes not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logic device or sequence of characters that causes or may be susceptible of causing any kind of alteration to THE COMPANY’s or third parties’ computer systems.
5) Third-party links
This Legal Notice refers solely to THE COMPANY's web page and content and does not apply to the links or web pages of third parties that are accessible through the web page.
The destinations of said links are not under THE COMPANY's control and THE COMPANY is not responsible for the contents of any of the web pages reached through a link or any link included on a web page reached from THE COMPANY's website, or any change or update to said pages.
Such links are provided solely in order to inform the User of the existence of other sources of information about a specific matter and the inclusion of a link does not imply approval of the web page linked by THE COMPANY.
6) Intellectual and industrial property
All of the contents of the Web Page, unless otherwise stated, are exclusively owned by THE COMPANY, such as but not limited to the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs and other elements that appear on the Web Page.
Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or other distinctive signs of any kind on the Web Page are protected by law.
THE COMPANY does not grant any kind of licence or authorisation for personal use to the User over its intellectual and industrial property rights or over any other right related to its Web Page and the services offered thereon.
Therefore, the User recognises that the reproduction, distribution, marketing, processing and, generally speaking, any other form of exploitation of all or part of this Web Page’s contents, through any process, is an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of THE COMPANY or their holder.
7) Forums or Blogs
THE COMPANY offers Users the possibility of entering comments and/or sending photographs to add them to the relevant sections, and to take part in debate forums and hold conversations with other users. The publication of comments and/or photographs is subject to this Legal Notice.
The person identified in each case as having made the comments and/or having sent the photographs is responsible for them. The comments and/or photographs do not reflect THE COMPANY's opinion and THE COMPANY does not make statements regarding them.
THE COMPANY will not be liable, unless under a legal obligation, for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities that the comments and/or photographs may contain or for any damages that may be caused by the insertion of the comments and/or photographs in the forum or in the other sections of the web page that may allow these kinds of services and contents.
The User that supplies the text and/or photographs assigns THE COMPANY the rights over their reproduction, use, distribution, public communication and any kind of activity concerning them, in electronic, digital, paper or any other format. In particular, the User assigns said rights for publication of the text and/or photographs on the Web Page so that other Users thereof may access the content.
The User supplying them represents that he/she is the holder of the rights over the texts or photographs or, when applicable, guarantees that he/she holds the necessary rights and authorisations from the author or owner of the text and/or photographs for use thereof by THE COMPANY through the Web Page.
THE COMPANY accepts no liability, unless under a legal obligation, for the damages that may be caused due to the use, reproduction, distribution or public communication or any other kind of activity performed using texts and/or photographs protected by intellectual property rights held by third parties without the User having previously obtained the necessary authorisation from the holders to carry out the use performed or intended to be performed.
Similarly, THE COMPANY reserves the right to unilaterally remove the comments and/or photographs stored in any section of the website, when there are signs that the comments and/or photographs infringe any legal provision or are used for advertising purposes (spam), and whenever THE COMPANY so deems appropriate.
THE COMPANY accepts no liability for the information sent by the User when it is not fully aware that the information stored is unlawful or that it harms property or rights belonging to a third party to which indemnity may be payable. When THE COMPANY becomes fully aware that it is hosting such data, it undertakes to act diligently to remove them or make it impossible to access them.
In any case, in order to make any complaint concerning the content inserted in any of the sections, you may contact us through the following e-mail address: juridico@rba.es
8) Social networks
The user may join the Groups that THE COMPANY has on various social networks. A user who becomes a fan or follower of any of these Groups accepts the terms and conditions of use and privacy policy of the relevant social network.
9) Personal data protection
The User may provide THE COMPANY with his/her personal data through the various forms that are on the Web Page for that purpose. The said forms include legal texts concerning personal data protection that complies with the requirements stipulated in the Data Protection regulations in force.
Please carefully read the legal text before providing your personal data.
Generally speaking, personal data are included in a single file, the controller of which is the RBA Community, which is made up of the following RBA companies: RBA COLECCIONABLES, S.A.U., RBA REVISTAS, S.L., RBA LIBROS, S.A. and EDICIONES EL JUEVES, S.A., which are in the publishing industry. The data will be processed for the purpose for which they were provided or in order to send you commercial communications about their products when so authorised. These companies have their registered offices at Avda. Diagonal, 189, 08018, Barcelona and they jointly make up the RBA Community. The Community is coordinated from the aforementioned RBA offices, where the aforementioned Companies' systems and services are centralised in order to manage them in a unified manner. Therefore, in spite of there being several controllers, the file in which your personal data will be stored will be internally processed as a single database concerning which you may exercise the rights described below.
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, limitation of processing and portability of your data, and revoke your consent given to the sending of commercial communications, by sending an e-mail to protecciondatos@rba.es, or by sending a letter to the aforementioned address. In addition, in each communication you receive we will include the means provided to unsubscribe from our communications.
RBA has implemented the necessary technical and organisational security measures in order to guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent their alteration, loss and processing and/or unauthorised access, taking account of the state of the art, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed. All this is in accordance with that set forth in the aforementioned regulations.
Further information is provided in our Privacy Policy.
10) Modification of the terms and conditions of use
THE COMPANY reserves the right to develop or update the Legal Notice, at any time, so the user must read it from time to time.
11) Applicable law and jurisdiction
The relationship between THE COMPANY and the User shall be governed by the Spanish regulations in force and any dispute shall be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the User's place of residence.
THE COMPANY will prosecute the breach of these Terms and Conditions, as well as any improper use of the website, filing all civil and criminal action that may apply and to which it may be entitled by law.
12) Settlement of online disputes in cases of purchase or subscription
In relation to the resolution of online complaints concerning consumption, article 14.1 of European Commission Regulation 524/2013 provides consumers with a platform to file their complaints, which is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
13) Cookie Policy
The User is informed that this website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are installed in the browser of the User's computer. Their purpose is to aid browsing, allowing, for example, access to Users that have previously registered and access to the areas, services, promotions or competitions reserved exclusively for them without having to register during each visit. They may also be used to measure the audience, traffic and browsing parameters, session time and/or to monitor the progress and number of visits to the Web Page.
The cookies installed by this Web Page may be session cookies or persistent cookies, as well as our own cookies or third parties' cookies. Session cookies are those that are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, while persistent cookies may remain installed for a certain length of time. Own cookies are those installed by THE COMPANY, while third-party cookies are those installed by service providers contracted for that purpose.
Below we provide details of the various cookies used on this website:
Technical cookies
Technical cookies are those which are essential for the operation of the web page, for example to manage authentication or maintenance of a session of a registered user on the web page. Deactivating these cookies may prevent the correct operation of the page.
Analytical cookies
Analytical cookies gather statistics about the user's activity and use of the web page. The information gathered makes it possible to optimise browsing and ensure a better service to the user. They also make it possible to know the number of pages visited, the browser used, the frequency or repetition of visits, and the language chosen, among others. The user may, at any time, exclude their activity through the exclusion systems provided by the analytical tools or through their browser settings.
The applications used to obtain this information are as follows:
- Google Analytics. For more information: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245
- Comscore. For more information: http://www.comscore.com/esl/Sobre-comScore/Politica-de-privacidad
Remarketing/retargeting cookies
Remarketing or retargeting cookies are controlled by third parties and manage the advertising space on web pages that may or may not be run by third parties unrelated to THE COMPANY. In this way, users who have visited any of THE COMPANY's web pages may view advertising thereby that may be considered of interest on said third-party web pages.
- DoubleClick / AdSense (Google). For more information: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/2839090?hl=es
Social network cookies
Specific buttons have been included to help the user be able to share the web page's content on different social networks. These buttons may allow the social network to which they link to install cookies that are not under the control of THE COMPANY. They may be for the purpose of managing the user's session log-in on the social network, maintenance of said session or showing the meter of how many times particular content has been shared on each social network. We recommend users to regularly review the privacy and cookie policies of each social network and, when applicable, modify the privacy parameters of each of them in order to limit the tracking purposes that may be carried out and adjust said parameters to their own interests.
- Facebook. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/
- Twitter. For more information: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170521-el-uso-que-hace-twitter-de-cookies-y-tecnologias-similares
Advertising cookies
These allow effective management of the advertising space included on the web page or the application through which the service is provided. They make it possible to adapt the advertising content so that it is relevant to the user and avoid showing advertisements that the user has already seen.
- DoubleClick / AdSense (Google). For more information: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/2839090?hl=es
- Revive Adserver
The user has the possibility of configuring their browser so they are warned when they receive cookies and can prevent them from being installed on their equipment. However, blocking them may modify the operation of the web page. Please see your browser’s instructions and manuals for further information. Depending on the browser used, the user may also activate any of the following options to limit the scope of the cookies installed or their operation:
- Private browsing, through which the browser stops saving the browser history, website passwords, cookies and other information about the pages he/she visits.
- The no-tracking function, whereby the browser requests the websites visited not to track his/her browsing habits, for example to provide him/her with advertising of his/her interest on the sites he/she visits.
At any time you may withdraw your consent related to this Cookie Policy by deleting the cookies stored on your equipment by changing the settings on your web browser:
- Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647
- Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-Cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
- Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-Cookies-que-los-sitios-we
- Safari http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042
It may be that some cookies used on this Web Page are not related to THE COMPANY. This is because some pages on the website have content inserted from third-party websites (such as a YouTube video). Since the aforementioned content comes from another website, THE COMPANY does not control the settings of said cookies. If you want to change your cookie settings, you must consult the websites of said third parties to obtain information.
If you want greater control over the installation of Cookies, you can install programs or add-ons on your browser, known as “Do Not Track” tools, which make it possible to choose the Cookies you want to allow.